Raupanga: Ngā Pito Kōrero o te Pakanga Tuarua nō te Hau Kāinga
Lachy Paterson and Angela Wanhalla
Kua rongo pai te iwi mō ngā mahi a ngā tūpuna hōia, engari, he aha rā ngā kōrero mō te hunga i noho tonu ai ki te kāinga?
Whakaheke toto tonu ana te iwi Māori ki te Pakanga Tuarua o te ao. I te tuwheratanga o te whawhai nui ka puta noa ngā taitama hei tūao ki te Taua Tuarua o Aotearoa. Kua rongo pai te iwi mō ngā mahi rongonui a ngā tūpuna hōia, tae noa ki te Ope Taua 28. Engari, he aha rā ngā kōrero mō te hunga i noho tonu ai ki te kāinga?
Kei a Raupanga he kōrero mō te ao Māori i te wā o te Pakanga Tuarua, arā, mō ngā mahi me ngā wheako o te hunga i noho nei ki te kāinga. E toru tekau mā iwa ngā pūrākau kua tāngia ki te reo Māori, kua whakanikohia ki ngā tini whakaahua ātaahua. E aro matua ana ki ngā kaupapa e whitu, arā, ki te Mahi, ki ngā Mahi Taua, ki te Hapori, ki ngā Taiohi, ki te Tōrangapū, ki te Whakapono, ā, ki Muri i te Pakanga.
Ka ahu a Raupanga mai i ngā wheketere ki ngā pāmu, mai i ngā marae ki ngā whare karakia, mai i ngā kura ki ngā puni hōia, mai i ngā takiwā taiwhenua ki ngā tāone nunui. E āta titiro ana tēnei ki ngā koiora o ngā tāngata, ki ngā mahi hoki a ngā whānau me ngā hapori. Kei roto he kōrero mō te Kīngitanga, mō te petihana o Ōrākei, mō te kapa haka, mō ngā tohetohe ā-tōrangapū, ā-hāhi, ā-papori hoki, arā, he kōrero mō ngā Māori e noho tonu ana ki Aotearoa i te wā pakanga. He waka huia a Raupanga, e horaina ana ngā kōrero o taua wā mō ngā whānau o nāianei, me ngā reanga whakaheke.
We have heard the heroic story of the Māori Battalion, but what of the Māori people who remained at home?
Raupanga brings together the people, stories and places underpinning the Māori wartime experience of the Second World War. Written in te reo Māori, thirty-seven succinctly illustrated pieces explore seven themes: Mahi (Work); Mahi Taua (Home Defence); Hapori (Community); Taiohi (Youth); Tōrangapū (Politics); Whakapono (Religion); and I Muri i te Pakanga (Post-war). Raupanga journeys from factories to farms, from marae to churches, and considers the experience of communities in and out of urban centres. Delving into stories of the Kīngitanga, kapa haka, the Ōrākei petition, and their champions, this book is a treasure trove of historical narratives waiting to be shared with whānau and future generations across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Published as a companion to:
Te Hau Kāinga: The Māori Home Front during the Second World War
Angela Wanhalla, Sarah Christie, Lachy Paterson, Ross Webb and Erica Newman
‘The war caused revolutionary changes at all levels: it proved to be a stimulus for the Māori leadership at home as well as laying the basis for new developments in the following years. This book provides a lens for understanding the years both before and after the war.’
‘I te mutunga mai o te Pakanga, ka puta he ao hou mō te iwi Māori. I kā te ahi o te rangatira, i takoto whāriki hoki mō ngā tau e whai atu nei. He pukapuka tēnei e whai māramatanga mō te ā-mua me te ā-muri o te Pakanga.’
— Kahurangi Claudia Orange
‘Kua huakina te tatau kia rongo te ao i ngā mahi rangatira i whakatutuki, i kawea e ngā taitamāhine, e ngā hapū me ngā iwi Māori i raro i ngā kaupapa whānui nei. He awa mōhio kua karapīpiti, he rangi mārama kua mahea. Ka taunaki ake i konei e te iwi . . . Hokona, pānuitia! Tangihia, arohatia.'
— Tangiwai Rewi, Ahorangi me te Amokapua o Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato – University of Waikato
‘Sir Apirana Ngata spoke of Māori contribution to the war effort as the price of citizenship; it is a price which should not have had to be paid, and this book reminds us what a huge opportunity for Māori self-determination was destroyed by the power structure at war’s end.’
‘Ki a Tā Apirana Ngata he utu te mahi Pakanga kia ōrite te tū o te Māori ki tō te Pākehā, engari he utu me kaua e utua. Hei whakamaumahara tēnei pukapuka mō te āheitanga kia mau i te iwi Māori te tino rangatiratanga i kapohia e te kāwanatanga i te mutunga o te Pakanga.’
— Jim McAloon, Ahorangi Hītori, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
He ahorangi a Angela Wanhalla nō te Hōtaka Hītori kei Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka. Nō Ngāi Tahu ia, nō Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki ki Taumutu. Ko tāna tino mahi he rangahau i te hītori o ngā wāhine Māori. E tino whakahī ana ia i tā rāua pukapuka ko Lachy Paterson, i He Reo Wāhine: Māori Women’s Voices from the Nineteenth Century (Auckland University Press, 2017).
He ahorangi tāoki a Lachy Paterson nō Te Tumu kei Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka i whakaako ai ia i te reo Māori me te hītori Māori. Kei te rangahau ia i te hītori Māori, inarā, mō ngā niupepa me te tuhituhi i roto i te reo Māori, mō te pāhekoheko hoki o ngā iwi Māori me te kāwanatanga i te tekau mā iwa me te hāwhe tuatahi o te rua tekau o ngā rautau. Hei tauira, ko He Reo Wāhine: Māori Women’s Voices from the Nineteenth Century (Auckland University Press, 2017) he mea tuhituhi tahi e rāua ko Angela Wanhalla.