Submitting Book Proposals

Brief proposals (please do not send manuscripts) that fit the direction of our current publishing may be sent to or to:


Auckland University Press
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Book proposals must include:

  • a synopsis that outlines what the book will do and why it is important.
  • a table of contents with chapter summaries.
  • information about the author.
  • information about the market, competing or comparable books and timing.
  • It is not our policy to return materials, so please do not send manuscripts, photos or artwork.

Please note: AUP does not publish fiction or short stories. Any proposals in these categories will not be considered.


Requesting permission to reproduce copyright material

Please send details of the Auckland University Press material you wish to reproduce (including book title, author and number of lines/words/images), and details of where and how you wish to reproduce it, to