Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP
Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Jeffrey Karp, Susan Banducci, Raymond Miller and Ann Sullivan
Proportional Representation on Trial examines the 1999 election in New Zealand and its aftermath.
The last electoral contest of the twentieth century resulted in a complete change of government. In 1999 Labour returned to power as the main party in a coalition minority government. Proportional representation in the form of MMP made the difference.
The fourth in a series of election studies, Proportional Representation on Trial traces the evolution of public attitudes to MMP, presents a comprehensive assessment of the effects of proportional representation, and discusses the experiment of the two citizen-initiated referendums.
More about Jack Vowles, Peter Aimer, Jeffrey Karp, Susan Banducci, Raymond Miller & Ann Sullivan
. . . fourth in a series . . . arguably the best book so far. – Alan McRobie, NZ Books
This book is a psephologist’s delight. – David Verran, Sunday Star-Times