World Famous in New Zealand: How New Zealand’s Leading Firms Became World-Class Competitors
Colin Campbell Hunt et al.
World Famous in New Zealand is the story of how ten of New Zealand’s finest companies became world-class competitors. It is a significant story: New Zealanders look to business enterprises for wealth, jobs and the products and services to live and to trade. In exploring the behaviour of ten carefully chosen firms the book shows how they overcame the disadvantages of size and distance to make an impact in world markets and to sustain it. This is not only a narrative of each firm’s path to success, it is also an empirical analysis of the factors which assured that success. It discusses, for example, innovation, operations strategy, human resource management, the impact of national culture, the role of government.
More about Colin Campbell-Hunt, John Brocklesby, Sylvie Chetty, Lawrence Corbett, Sally Davenport, Deborah Jones and Pat Walsh
The authors say they think the work is important, and I would heartily agree with them. Here is a real opportunity to learn from the best there is. . . . Whether you are a one, two or many person organisation, this book is a must. – Ron Rowe, Hawke’s Bay Today