The Father and his Gift: John Logan Campbell's Later Years
R. C. J. Stone
Few New Zealand biographies are so rich in social and personal detail. Written with the vivid touches of a novelist, The Father and his Gift completes the story of Sir John Logan Campbell, venerated in old age as the Father of Auckland, and presents a compelling portrait of Auckland. The final volume of Logan Campbell's life story traces his struggles not only to keep his businesses afloat but to preserve intact the One Tree Hill estate which he had determined to leave to the public of New Zealand. The number and intimacy of the papers left by Campbell have enabled Professor Stone to bring his subject to life in a portrait of a Victorian colonist unrivalled in its scope and depth.
More about R. C. J. Stone
In addition to dissecting Logan Campbell's personality and accomplishments with the skills of a literary surgeon, the author offers an unsurpassed portrait of Auckland in the nineteenth century, particularly of the commercial and social life of the city. – Michael King, Metro