Murray Edmond
Murray Edmond, a well-established poet, writes in Laminations a savage, witty new collection that reflects the times we live in. These polished verses lament the end of the century and celebrate sound, rhythm and word play. Edmond's work sits at the intersection of the personal and historical, and although it is tough and challenging, it is also richly rewarding – this is his strongest collection yet.
More about Murray Edmond
. . . anyone interested in New Zealand poetry (or any other provenance for that matter) owes it to that interest to read and listen to the songlines laid down in Laminations/ “Lamentations”. In the present lit-art climate where too often the 'fast-food' demand, consumer-chic and the instant-Zen of cultural expectations command the field, Laminations is the real goods – and a welcome arrival. – Michael Harlow, New Zealand Listener