Cassandra’s Daughter

Michael Harlow

Author: Michael Harlow
Format: Paperback, Ebook
Pages: 64
Published: March 2005
Availability: Out of stock/print
Specs: 23.3cm x 15.5cm
ISBN: 9781869403324

Available in Ebook

Michael Harlow’s poetry has always embodied a dialogue with European literary traditions and his abiding theme, here as in his earlier books, is the search for language to express and convey the strangeness and mystery of the everyday. His use of word, image and rhythm is sophisticated and inventive and though there is a dark strain in this collection, which deals with several deaths, there is also a good deal of humour. There is magic and dream and unlikely stories. The collection is in seven parts defined thematically and including a section of prose poems. The range in form and tone and the easy confidence of Harlow’s style make this a particularly rewarding collection.


More about Michael Harlow


Harlow . . . . has a maturity and warmth of style which make his poems approachable, carefully shaped, of deep thoughtfulness and insight. – Margaret Christensen, Wairarapa Times Age